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Delivery Information

When will my order be shipped?

After placing an order, a period of supply and preparation time is required before it is shipped. In general, packages must be shipped before the estimated delivery time, which can be viewed on the order details page. Otherwise, you can cancel your order directly on your PC.

How long after placing an order will I receive the item?       

There are two key factors that will determine when you receive your item.

1. Item handling time: Processing time refers to the time it takes for the seller to prepare for shipment. Depending on the product category and quantity, the processing time varies for different items.

2. Shipping Method: Delivery time varies depending on the shipping method. Shipping times vary depending on your location and the origin of your package. You can find more details about the delivery time here.

When you place an order, you can also check the shipping time:

In addition, deliveries may be delayed due to holidays or natural accidents. If you want to communicate shipping costs and service details with the seller, you can contact the seller by clicking "Live Chat" or "Leave a Seller" in the seller information area.

Shipping options

The table below illustrates the estimated tracking and delivery times for the various shipping options available in each country. Tracking information and delivery times may depend on customs requirements, holiday delays, weather conditions, etc.

How do I change my shipping address?

You can change your shipping address before the package is shipped. However, the delivery country remains the same.

1. Find the order under "Pending Payment" or "Waiting to Ship"

2. Click on the product name of the order

3. Click "Edit" next to the current shipping address

4. After the change, notify the seller by message to confirm the address change. How to contact the seller.

What if the seller fails to ship the goods after the deadline?   

If the package is not shipped by the estimated delivery time, you can contact the seller to find out if it is about to be shipped. If he does not reply to you, or you no longer need the order, you can cancel the order directly by following the process below: